High-Accuracy Digimatic Micrometer
Digimatic Outside Micrometer
Digimatic Outside Micrometer
Soft Touch Micro
Quick Micro
Ratchet Thimble Micrometer
Outside Micrometer
Slide Anvil Type Uutside Micrometer
Slide Anvil Type Outside Micrometer
Caliper Type Outside Micrometer
Fixed Anvil Type Screw Thread Micrometer
Three-wire Unit
Tooth Thickness Micrometer
Ball Anvil Type Gear Micrometer
Dial Type Sheet Metal Micrometer
Optical flat OF
Micrometer standard MB
Standard for V-groove micrometer MB
Color Ratchet Stop
Micrometer stand
ABS Coolant Proof Caliper
ABS Digimatic Caliper
Vernier Caliper
Dial Caliper
Carbon Digimatic Caliper
Long Jaw Caliper
Cera Caliper Checker
Offset Center Line Caliper
Point Caliper
Digimatic Snap Caliper
Digimatic Height Gage
Linear Height
Tubular Type Depth Micrometer
Digimatic Depth Gage
Depth Gage (Digimatic Type)
Tubular Inside Micrometer
Caliper Type Inside Micrometer
Stand for Measuring Small Holes
Gauge Blocks
Thickness Gage
Dial Gage Stand
ABS Solar Digimatic Indicator ID-SS
Digimatic Indicator ID-H
ABS Digimatic Indicator ID-F
Display Unit EC
Features of Dial Indicator
Compact type Dial Indicator
One-Revolution Dial Indicator
Special Purpose Dial Indicator